Such beautiful gardens...most of these pix are from the Japanese Garden, but
there were many more types of gardens as well.

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Huntington Gardens - 5/22/09
This is a blog containing photos I've taken of my BJDs (ball-jointed dolls) that I have painted/customized. Sizes range from 17.5" to 31.5".
Doll companies of sculpts represented are: Dollshe, Volks & Alchemic Labo, Elfdoll, Dollstown, Alice in Labyrinth,
Spirit Doll, Abio Angel, Dollmore, Nabarro, Piposdoll, Domuya, Doll in Mind, Dollclans and Doll Chateau.
All dolls are customized by myself (with the exception of Doll Chateau Douglas & Lusion Dahlia that are factory).
I love that shot of Vinnie in front of the pond...he looks so real there.
I love them. He's still the most beautiful Bermann ♥
Lyn ~ that was such a cool setting &
I'm a sucker for shots behind the always looks so real. ^^
Usagi665 ~ Awww glad you like Vinnie...I drag that guy on most all my trips! ♥♥♥
What beautiful gardens and shots! It would be wonderful to see them in person someday..
Always love to see pics of the muy handsome Vinnie. I fell for your guy a long time ago, he is still my favorite Bermann ^___^
Oh nice that you like Vinnie ~ he's definitely one of my faves. I take so many photos of him!
The Huntington Gardens are wonderful. I need to go back and see the other gardens I missed.
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