This is a blog containing photos I've taken of my BJDs (ball-jointed dolls) that I have painted/customized. Sizes range from 17.5" to 31.5".
Doll companies of sculpts represented are: Dollshe, Volks & Alchemic Labo, Elfdoll, Dollstown, Alice in Labyrinth,
Spirit Doll, Abio Angel, Dollmore, Nabarro, Piposdoll, Domuya, Doll in Mind, Dollclans and Doll Chateau.
All dolls are customized by myself (with the exception of Doll Chateau Douglas & Lusion Dahlia that are factory).
I love how these came out Christy! And I was fascinated reading about the armature making (you are so creative!).
Will you add a section about the feathers themselves? Cause I think those are really cool too!
Thanks Lyn! ^^
That's a good idea, I should...only thing is, I got all my plastic mylar from work, so not sure where people could get it, heheh... 0___0
Would that be somewhere to start?
Awesome! They look fantastic!
Actually, yeah Lyn that looks pretty good...the plastic film trimming and sheeting one. They come in pretty large sizes which is good and there's a range of thickness...not sure the thickness of what I used..maybe .005" something like that...
Thanks Eevee for visiting!!!
Though I love the final product, I partial to the mechanical look of the unfinished wings. I Know that you're well past the squeamish parts, but was there any second thoughts about setting the magnet into his back?
Hey, Clayrabbits!
The armature is cool looking...it could be used in an idea that makes it entirely visible and would work, I agree!
My original plan for attaching the wings was to place the magnet in his back and I knew this when I ordered the DSAM32 body. Basing my plan off the DSAM35s (which I already had with Orijean), I was pleased with how the area betw. the shoulder blades was already 'recessed' so I wouldn't have to dremel much. In fact, most of the dremeling I did was to level off that area for the magnet to settle into -- also a bit of widening between the shoulder blades for the magnet to fit.
But to answer your question, I did ponder perhaps putting the magnet *inside* the body at one point, but with further tests, I realized that the strength and hold of the magnet out-weighed aesthetics - a strong magnet had to hold the weight of the wings (which are actually quite heavy cos of the physics of how they're designed - all the weight at the tips) and that strength would be lost through a layer of resin. I wanted the magnet to hold through clothing as well, which also influenced my decision.
Hi Christy, Uriel's absolutely brilliant, I love the concept! Would you mind telling me what skin tone he is? I'm guessing it's freshskin(?) and how would you say it compare to a Leeke NS? :) Thanks!
Hey Haz, thank you! Uriel's freshskin, which goes wonderfully with old Dollshe NS and WS. I do have a NS Leeke Mihael and when comparing, Leeke is a bit darker in comparision, so not a wonderful match. I suppose though it could be done is the body is blushed enough to disguise that.
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